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Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.: Overview
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Due to the suspension of state assessments, 2019-20 assessment data are not available.
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School Type:
Almont Community Schools
Head of School: Help Icon
William Kalmar
Superintendent Name:
Kimberly Vonhiltmayer
More about the School:
Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.
4641 Howland Rd
Almont MI 48003
(810) 798-2367
Overview of Key Performance Indicators
Describes the school performance areas that are most critical for parents to understand.
Student Group:
Graph Display:
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Percent of students proficient in all subjects on state tests.

Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.
Average of Similar Schools by Student Characteristics

State of Michigan Average

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Percent of students who are making progress towards proficiency or increasing their proficiency in all subjects on the state tests.

Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.
Average of Similar Schools by Student Characteristics

State of Michigan Average

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Data reflects "All Students" regardless of student group selected. The data are displayed in terms of Full time Equivalency, where "1" represents a full-time staff member.

Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.
Average of Similar Schools by Student Characteristics

State of Michigan Average

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Displays how many teachers are retained year over year at the same school.

Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.
Average of Similar Schools by Student Characteristics

State of Michigan Average

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Percentage of teachers, by subject, who are certified to teach the assignment they are teaching.

Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.
Average of Similar Schools by Student Characteristics

State of Michigan Average

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Percent of students who have on-track attendance.

Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.
Average of Similar Schools by Student Characteristics

State of Michigan Average

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Percent of English Learner (EL) students who are showing progress on the WIDA test.

Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.
Average of Similar Schools by Student Characteristics

State of Michigan Average

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The amount of money spent on education in a school by a school district, divided by the number of students educated in that school.

Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr.
Average of Similar Schools by Student Characteristics

State of Michigan Average

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Did at least 95% of enrolled students take the state test in all subjects?
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr. 2021-22, Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr., Not Available2022-23, Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr., Not Available2023-24, Almont Schools Transportation and Maintenance Ctr., Not Available
State of Michigan Average 2021-22, State of Michigan Average, Yes2022-23, State of Michigan Average, Yes2023-24, State of Michigan Average, Yes
