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How many children are participating in Early Childhood programs before Kindergarten?
Early Childhood Inquiries 
Child Count

Shows the number of Michigan children enrolled in Early Childhood Programs by programs or demographic report category.

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Participation by Kindergarten

Shows how many kindergartners attended early childhood programs by location, school year, program type and demographic information.

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Early Childhood Impact on K-3 Absenteeism

Shows absence rates for students in kindergarten through third grade, and allows rate comparison of students who have participated in select publicly-funded early childhood programs before kindergarten, with that of all students.

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Kindergarten Pathways

Shows the order in which children were enrolled in publicly-funded early childhood programs prior to entering kindergarten, and the number of children that followed each pathway.

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Continuity of Service in Special Education: Service Pathways

Shows early intervention and special education services delivered to Michigan children between birth and third grade and the proportion of children in each service pathway.

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Continuity of Service in Special Education: Service Comparisons

Shows early intervention and special education services delivered to Michigan children between birth and third grade and the comparison of a selected ISD's pathways to statewide.

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