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Community colleges are required to submit a historical record of financial events and instructional activity each year to Michigan’s Postsecondary Data Inventory. These data provide meaningful information regarding the financial needs, operations, and institutional objectives of Michigan’s community colleges.  These transparent and comparable data are utilized by several entities like community colleges, their Board of Trustees, the Michigan Legislature, and the Department of Technology, Management and Budget.


Search for the latest tuition and fees information for Michigan's community colleges.
The cost of community college is comprised of books and supplies, transportation, room and board, other miscellaneous expenses, and most notably, tuition and fees. The Tuition and Fees report provides a financial cost breakdown against students for educational purposes in each of Michigan's 28 community colleges.

Community College tuition and fee data prior to the 2017-2018 school year can be requested from For tuition and fee information on public universities, visit the Michigan House Fiscal Agency and the Senate Fiscal Agency web pages for Higher Education.



The 2022-23 Michigan Community College Data Inventory Report is a compilation of reports that provide the public with summary information about the activity, enrollment, resources and financial standing of the state-supported community colleges. The MCCDI Report provides a framework for identifying areas of institutional similarities and differences while providing a logical basis for determining the gross need of individual colleges and of the total system, which then could be translated into state appropriations.

While the report includes some trend data, historical data can be requested from Or, view prior years data: 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20, 2018-19, 2017-18.

The Community College Demographic Enrollment Profile report shows the number of students enrolling in and receiving degrees at Michigan community colleges by age, gender and race/ethnicity. This helps users to understand the number and composition of students attending Michigan community colleges, and shows how enrollment trends change over time.

Additional Resources

Michigan Community College NETwork Michigan House Fiscal Agency Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency